
Local Fund Agent 

Analytics is the LFA for a Global International Organization. Its role is to oversee, verify and report on grant performance.
On-Site Data Verification

On-site data verification is performed when there is a perceived data quality risk or when, there are doubts as to the accuracy of the data being reported.

There are various types of verifications that can be performed:

(1) bottom-up audit trail from recorded events in primary records to aggregated reports; 

(2) cross-verifications of data with other sources of information – e.g., expenditures, inventory records,

(3) spot-checks of actual delivery of services and/or commodities with beneficiaries. 

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental aspects of good programme management at all levels (national, regional, local).

Monitoring is the routine tracking of the key elements of programme/project performance, usually inputs and outputs, through record-keeping, regular reporting and surveillance systems as well as observation and surveys.

Evaluation is the episodic assessment of the change in targeted results that can be attributed to the programme or

project/project intervention. Evaluation attempts to link a particular output or outcome directly to an intervention after a period of time has passed.

Evidence-Based Strategic Planning: Focusing on Results

The most effective way to develop high-impact policies and programs is through results-based management, a decision-making process that focuses on the use of evidence to make informed decisions. 

An important aspect of strategic planning based on evidence is to provide such evidence—data that highlights the evolution and trends to decision-makers.

Triangulation: Synthesis of Results from Multiple Data Sources for Evaluation and Decsion-making

An analytical approach known as “triangulation” integrates multiple data sources to improve the understanding of a problem and to guide programmatic decision-making to address such problems.

Whereas research seeks to definitively answer a pre-formed hypothesis, triangulation seeks to strengthen interpretations and improve decisions based on the available evidence. 

As the information examined is collected by different methods, by different persons and in different populations, the findings can be used to corroborate data received from different sources, thereby reducing the effect of both systematic bias and random error that may be present in a single study.